Battery and device safety

Recent reports of consumer accidents involving cell phones and other electronic devices have raised questions about user safety and reinforce the importance of technical approval procedures associated with electrical energy storage components, especially lithium-ion batteries.

The high energy density of these components, combined with economic and supply chain factors, are among the main characteristics that favor the industry's adoption of this technology. Batteries that operate based on the movement of lithium ions can be considered safe, as long as they are properly designed, produced and subjected to appropriate tests to attest not only to their safety but also to their performance before reaching the consumer market.

These components undergo specific certification and technical approval procedures in several countries, including Brazil. The processes may involve audits on production lines, laboratory tests and market monitoring. During laboratory tests, for example, conditions of overheating, overvoltage, short circuit, drop, vibration and pressure variation are among the requirements for which the samples must comply.

It is important to note that these batteries, even if certified and approved, can be degraded or damaged by misuse: such as exposing the mobile device to extreme temperatures, sudden impacts, or even using counterfeit chargers or cables.

When purchasing products that have these components, consumers should look for compliance markings and/or quality seals displayed on packaging, manuals and on the body of the devices.

PCN Latin America assesses the compliance of lithium-ion batteries embedded in mobile devices according to the mandatory procedure established by Anatel. Additionally, manufacturers and importers seeking to distinguish the safety and performance of their products can also join the voluntary certification program developed by PCN, which has its competence assessed and accredited by Cgcre of Inmetro - National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology.

The program's accreditation is fundamental in terms of recognition for access to the main global markets, since Cgcre is a signatory to the mutual recognition cooperation agreements of the International Laboratory Accreditation Co-operation (ILAC) of the International Accreditation Forum Inc. and the Inter-American Accreditation Cooperation (IAAC). In addition to the attribute of market differentiation, the certificate of conformity issued by an impartial and unbiased third party adds value to the product and serves as protection for the consumer chain: indicating that they have been subjected to evaluation and are in compliance with previously established technical requirements. Access the full news: